Sunday 27 July 2014

Coming Home or The Last Post

After our strenuous day yesterday, we retired at 9 p.m. and both were asleep in minutes. We woke up at 7 a.m., went down for a substantial breakfast, then checked out. The elevators in European hotels are very tiny so it took us three trips to get our luggage to the lobby. After the fiasco on check-in, we didn't trust the bellhops. Found a taxi and were at the airport for 10:00. We were served two meals on route and both managed an hour or so of sleep. We were glad we had a two-hour layover in Toronto as it took almost that long to clear customs, go through security yet again, recheck our bags and get to our gate in the same terminal. Had another light meal on the flight to Ottawa. Called Vada once we arrived and by the time we had our luggage, she was there to pick us up. Both of us have vowed to take one less suitcase next trip. We rationalized our vast quantity of luggage by the fact that we needed clothes for warm/hot weather as well as very cold weather, plus dress-up clothes for evenings on board ship.
Norma called and said that her Melodie was very happy to see her - so happy, she didn't appear to hold a grudge for leaving her. She, like the two of us are glad to be home.